
over view about marketing

Before start about digital marketing .we  have to know about that what is marketing? Why  it is necessary for any kind of business , services ? Marketing is a term which allows to represent our features is front of the audience. with the help of marketing we promote our brands ,services , increase in sales of our product, get the audience know about us and many more .There are two types of marketing. TRADITIONAL MARKETING and DIGITAL MARKETING

TRADITIONAL MARKETING – Traditional marketing introduce in 1950s in the world. There are many ways by which traditional marketing take place which are given below

1) Street hawkers

2) Town criers

3) Flyers

4) Posters

5) Bill Boards

6) Magazine Advertisement

7) Radio Advertisement

8) Direct Mail Advertising

9) Television Advertisement

Traditional marketing is a offline method of marketing. It consists so many methods like advertising on television while a large no of audience is watching. Print ads are also part of traditional marketing. But as time passes traditional marketing trend has been creating a lot of problems. It takes time a lot and the outcome is not much comfortable as expected or we can say that a new update or a new type of marketing were growing up very fast. So the impact of traditional marketing was not seen to be good.

                                       DIGITAL MARKETING

DIGITAL MARKETING – Digital marketing is type of online marketing which done only by the internet. Digital marketing helps to connect the target audience for our relevant service or product very easily and in a very short time. Digital marketing is a term of connecting globally and get know many things globally. Digital marketing is a very small word but it means a lot. There are many types of digital marketing.

1) Content marketing 

2) E- mail marketing

3) Search engine optimization

4) Search engine marketing

5) Social media marketing

6) Pay per click marketing

7) Affiliate marketing

8) Marketing analytics

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